picture of a sun, Lilly Pulitzer sunshine spotlight
Maddy Carelli smiling with her friends

Meet Maddy Carelli

Maddy joined the Lilly Pulitzer team at our Madison Avenue store in 2017 and now specializes in the Lilly customer experience as an Associate Manager in both our Westchester and Greenwich locations. On her days off, you can catch her crafting for her team members or reading the newest true crime book near the pool. Her favorite activities are cooking, throwing dinner parties, and trying new restaurants. She is a sucker for all things pink and she always, always, always looks for the best in others!

Sunshine Spotlight

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How does wearing Lilly Pulitzer make you feel?

Like the best version of myself! I've never been afraid to stand out. When I discovered Lilly, I finally felt like my clothes fit my personality. Since that day, it's been a love affair! There is nothing like Lilly prints, plus the colorful lifestyle, great people, and experiences.

What does "Be the Sunshine" mean to you?

Every day is a new opportunity to start over and SHINE! You have no idea what the people around you are going through. Sometimes, being the sunshine in someone else's day makes a world of difference.

Is there a message or mantra that inspires you?

Don't settle, UPGRADE! Go after what you deserve, and the rest will fall into place.

How will you be celebrating Pride Month this year?

Surrounded by loved ones! My girlfriend and I always round up our friends and siblings and go to the parade in NYC. We haven't been in two years due to COVID, but we're so excited to resume our tradition. If you ever get the opportunity to go, it's SO much fun.

How do you use your platform to share the It Gets Better message with the LGBTQ+ community?

I came out when I was 15 and I was the only lesbian in my high school. It was important to me that those around me knew it was okay. It is okay to be who you are, whatever that means to you. By the time I graduated, we had such a strong community! I owe so much to those who supported me in those early days. It does get better—every single day!

Is there a person (past or present) in the LGBTQ+ community who has been influential in your life?

They are all around me: everyone in the community! It’s so important to constantly be open and learning. I am so, so lucky to be born in and live through a time when I'm allowed to live openly and freely. I know many don't have that opportunity still, so it's all we can do to be there for each other!